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Bristol Water Southern
Strategic Support Main

  • Bristol Water

Categories:  Access Design, Construction Traffic Management
Client:  Bristol Water
Project Date:  2016 - 2017
Contact:  Stephen Le Flohic
Location:  Somerset & North Somerset

In 2016 KTC advised Bristol Water in respect of the Southern Strategic Support Main (SSSM) project which will provide improved security of water supply to 280,000 customers in the Cheddar, Banwell and Bristol supply zones.  Bristol Water is currently constructing the new water pipeline, totalling a length of approximately 31km, linking Sandford with Barrow, and Banwell and Cheddar via Sandford.

The works include a number of surface level road crossings, where the road would either be closed or subject to traffic signal control for the period of the works.  In one location the pipeline is proposed to pass under the A370 via directional drilling.  A series of compounds are required alone the line of the works including five major and some 14 minor compounds.  In liaison with Highway Officers of North Somerset Council and Somerset County Council and the contractor Kier, KTC advised on the compound layout and access arrangements and the road crossing methods. 

KTC produced a Construction Traffic Management Plan for the proposals along with the transport chapter of the Environmental Statement, in liaison with Black & Veatch, which were submitted with the planning application. 

KTC was pleased to be able to work again with Bristol Water and Black & Veatch, having previously assisted in 2010 – 12 with the Construction Traffic Management Plan for the complicated water main route from north Bristol to Clifton.
