With advice provided on over 1,000 projects this is just a flavour of what we do.

Compulsory Purchase and Development Consent Orders

  • A358 Taunton to Southfields, Somerset:
  • A548/A494 North Wales
  • A465 Heads of the Valley Road, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales

Compulsory Purchase and Development Consent Orders are a legal minefield and KTC recommends that landowners potentially affected seek expert advice at an early stage.  KTC has provided transport advice on a number of such projects working alongside experienced lawyers and land agents. Brief details are set out below and more information can be obtained from Peter Mansell.

Major Residential Development, West London: KTC acted for two land owners whose land was required to create the primary access to a large residential development (3,750 dwellings) with associated education, retail, employment and leisure facilities. KTC presented evidence at the CPO Inquiry, and subsequently provided expert evidence for the compensation claim which was settled in advance of the scheduled 3-week Lands Tribunal hearing.

A358 Taunton to Southfields, Somerset: KTC has been advising a landowner whose country estate will be affected by the Highways England proposals to dual the A358 between the A303 and the M5 at Taunton. The scheme has been through various consultation processes over many years but the preferred route announcement is expected in 2019.

MetroWest, Bristol: KTC acted for a land owner whose ongoing business operation was threatened by the proposals for upgrading a rail line to create part of the MetroWest network covering the West of England area.  After several meetings, the design has been modified such that when the draft Development Consent Order is published, it is no longer expected to impact on our Client’s business.

A548/A494 North Wales: Welsh Government consulted on proposals to upgrade the A548 in Deeside on the Wales/England border to provide relief to the A494. KTC acted for the owners of a major solar park that would have been severely affected by the proposals. Whilst detailed proposals are still awaited, the preferred route appears to now avoid the solar park.

A465 Heads of the Valley Road, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales: KTC presented evidence at the public inquiry into the Welsh Government proposed road scheme which would have had a severe impact on a local business.  The Inspector accepted our case and recommended amendments to the road scheme to include for an underpass to retain access to our Client’s business.  Negotiations are ongoing regarding the detail of the mitigation required to provide a satisfactory resolution.

