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  • Glastonbury
  • Glastonbury 2
  • Glastonbury 3
  • Glastonbury 4

Categories:  Transport Assessment, Travel Plan, Residential
Client:  Siren Developments SW Ltd
Project Date:  2014
Contact:   Sean McIntyre
Location:  Glastonbury, Somerset

KTC works with a wide range of housing developers, whether large or small, supporting them in bringing forward residential development sites. Work varies from developing access options through to submission of a planning application and beyond such as helping them to meet residential travel plan commitments.

One recent project was for a development of 175 dwellings in Glastonbury on behalf of siren Developments SW, a small development company. KTC produced the Transport Assessment and Travel Plan for submission of the planning application.

Following submission KTC has liaised closely with the client and highway authority to resolve any outstanding transport matters relating to the application.

The Transport Assessment included a review of the site location and local transport network, and an accessibility audit of the local area by sustainable modes, review of transport policy and highway safety and assessment of the traffic impact including junction modelling.

The Residential Travel Plan document set out the Travel Plan objectives and strategy, listed measures and modal split targets the travel plan and set out the monitoring and review strategy for the Travel Plan.  

The outline planning application received planning consent.
