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Stroud Supermarkets Accessibility
and Connectivity Appraisals

  • Stroud Supermarkets
  • Stroud Supermarkets 2

Categories:  Travel Planning, Accessibility and Sustainability Assessments
Client: Stroud District Council
Project Date:  2014
Contact:   Sean McIntyre
Location: Stroud, Gloucestershire

KTC were retained to undertake an accessibility assessment of three proposed supermarkets in Stroud, Gloucestershire. The objective of the assessment was to compare and contrast accessibility by non-car modes at the three sites as well as assess the connectivity of the proposed supermarket with the local town centres.

The accessibility of the site by foot and bicycle and bus was reviewed to provide an objective view of the accessibility of the three supermarkets. Connectivity to the town centres was also considered for these modes plus the car. The team at KTC produced comprehensive diagrams to illustrate the accessibility of each site by each mode. Walking and cycling isochrones were produced based on average walking and cycling speeds. Isochrones were also developed using walk, wait and bus journey time to assess the accessibility by bus. The area of residential development within each isochrones was used as a basis to compare accessibility to each proposed supermarket.

Isochrones can be used to provide an accurate assessment of accessibility to and from a site.
