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Callowhill Court

  • Callowhill Court - 1
  • Callowhill Court - 2
  • Callowhill Court - 3

Categories:   Mixed use, retail, leisure, residential, hotel, car parking, public transport, cycling, walking  
Client:   The Bristol Alliance (Hammerson/AXA JV)
Project Date:   2016 - 2018
Contact:  Roger Key
Location:  Broadmead Shopping Area, Bristol

Callowhill Court is a major mixed-use redevelopment led by retail, commercial and leisure uses on land in the heart of Bristol’s Broadmead shopping area. The development comprises up to 102,480m² of mixed use retail, commercial, leisure and hospitality floor space along with up to 150 residential units and a multi storey car park (MSCP) of some 380 spaces, together with extensive enabling rearrangement of the local transport network and associated public realm works.

A key aim of the scheme is to fully pedestrianise the shopping area, where over 100 buses per hour pass along prime shopping thoroughfares, The Horsefair and Penn Street. To achieve this objective several bus route diversion options were considered jointly with Bristol City Council, in consultation with the main bus operators. The preferred option requires extensive alteration of the city centre road network and forms a central part of the transport strategy that enables the scheme master plan to be delivered.

To keep shopping traffic away from the retail area, access to the proposed multi-storey car park is via a new junction on Bond Street, an adjacent dual carriageway.  After significant liaison with City Council transport officers, a new junction layout was agreed on Bond Street facilitating right turn in and left turn out vehicle movements.

With a fully pedestrianised shopping environment, pedestrian amenities are significantly enhanced. Meanwhile new cycle routes are proposed, along with extensive cycle parking to meet Council standards.  The scheme involves the loss of on-street disabled parking, which will be replaced locally, both on-street and within the MSCP.  New taxi stands are proposed. Servicing to existing stores on the retained section of The Horsefair is maintained, while a service basement is proposed below the new development with access via a new link to Bond Street.

Outline planning permission for the development was granted in July 2018.
