Clive Booth Student Village

Over 1,000 new bed-spaces are to be provided at Oxford Brookes University’s Clive Booth Student Village complex in Headington, following a recent resolution to grant planning consent at Oxford City Council Committee. KTC acted as transport consultant on the project, and prepared a Transport Assessment and the transport chapter of an Environmental Statement to accompany the planning application. The existing OBU Travel Plan is being updated and will cover the development. The onsite children’s nursery is also be rebuilt and expanded as part of the scheme. Improved pedestrian linkages to the Headington Hill and Gipsy Lane campuses will form part of the scheme, as will extensive cycle parking. Car parking on site will be restricted to those with disabilities and some staff as part of the wider OBU car parking permit system. The overall CBSV complex will comprise over 2,200 bed spaces and so space has been identified on site for temporary parking during the student arrivals weekend where students are allocated a time slot for unloading their possessions. The additional student bed spaces will enable more private rented accommodation to be available for non-students in Oxford, an existing problem recognised in local planning policy.