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Castle Primary School

  • Castle Primary School 1
  • Castle Primary School 2

Categories:  Travel Planning, Education, Travel Plan
Client:  Bath and North East Somerset Council
Project Date:   2014 - ongoing
Contact:   Peter Mansell
Location:  Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset

Like many schools, Castle Primary School’s travel patterns impact on the safety and health of the children, the environment and the local community.  As part of a planning application for the expansion of the school KTC were appointed as Transport Planning Consultants by Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) Council to work with the school and prepare a transport statement and travel plan supporting the application.

A School Travel Plan is a document which sets out school policies and package of measures aimed at encouraging more children, parents/carers and staff to choose alternatives to the car when making the journey to and from school. It signifies an all-round commitment to promote sustainable travel and develop safer routes to school.

The school was already very active in promoting a healthy lifestyle together with personal and road safety awareness which helped greatly when preparing the School Travel Plan. With the assistance of the school’s Travel Plan Working Group, including pupil representatives, KTC prepared the transport documents on behalf of the school. KTC also assisted the school in developing a travel policy and travel charter, which is sent out to all new pupils as part of the school prospectus.  

The School Travel Plan was well received by Highway Development Control Officers and with the planning condition discharged the new classrooms were ready for use at the start of the new school year in September 2014.  KTC continues to work on further expansion projects at the school preparing updates to the Transport Statement and Travel Plan.
